Monday, December 27, 2010


Its finally time

Catherine and i are in BARBADOS!!
now time to proceed with our bucket list. So far we have just been relaxing with our fams but once we get together... probs tomorrow... we will begin our adventures!

im going to try to film it too... lets see if it happens lol

xoxo christina

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Study Break!! - Pin-Up Girl

soo i lost my red lipstick :( but!! luckily i found my red lipliner and brought it here with me. Due to too much studying (aka boredum) i was inspired by this red lip liner to do a "Pin Up Girl" look!

the bedroom eyes, high arched eyebrows and signature red lipstick makes this look a classic

xoxo christina

Friday, October 22, 2010

Uni Life

Wow times have been stressful. With all the mid terms and cat and i being roughly 6 hrs apart at different unis there hasnt been much time for our blog :(

we should start to make sure we do at least one post a week! just to keep up with eachother and whats going on in the world outside of our bubbles here at uni

some helpful hints for me to remember:
1. do your readings before class
2. do your readings in general
3. read over all your notes at the end of the day
4. start memorizing notes when you read them at the end of the day
5. now you just have to review for the mid term not learn your material

more posts to come!

xoxo christina

Monday, August 2, 2010

Whats in my Purse!

The top 5 things I think every girl should have in their purse... if its big enough ;)

5. Socks- I know it sounds strange but I always have a pair of small socks ready for use- and they actually come in handy! (especially in the summer when you dont generally wear socks when you go shopping or places)

4. Camera- you never know when there might be a kodak moment!

3. Make-up bag- having another bag inside your purse is really useful. The extra storage helps with the cleanliness

2. Phone- I always take my phone with me when I go out just incase i need it!

1. Money!- it may be obvious but money is always great to have and i have been caught with none in my wallet!!!

xoxo christina

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Schools Out!

Hey, yayyyyy!!!!!

So we are officially done school... Until september. So since we haven't been updating this blog that frequently here are some pictures of the fun things we have been doing so far this summer :)

1. PROM! (not really summer, but fun nonetheless)

2. Getting stuck in an elevator and having to call the emergency people haha

3. Celebration Dinners

4. Plain ol' Shinanagins ;)

xoxo christina

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Exam Lockdown

Gaaaaahh!! Cat an I have been on complete lockdown studying for exams. Our last ones are on monday! 

While we are studying heres some fun for you guys :) <-- the best website ever! 
(other than this one of course :P) 

xoxo christina

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My New Obsession

Starbucks has taken over my wallettttt!!!
Why does a drink so good have to cost so much!

Downed that iced white chocolate mocha in 3 min...

xo Christina